Tales of the Pebbleverse
Premiered in October 2017, Tales of the Pebbleverse, was a hybrid work, exploring mask, stillness, movement and sound. It used the wearable art of Sarah crowEST and the talent of 4 dancers from Fine Lines Company.
The Pebbleverse is a place that is both outside time and embedded within Deep Time, the millennia that contributed to the formation of mountains, valleys, continents and the subsequent shifting of plates, by volcanic action, seismic shifts and the work of weather events. Pebbleheads are the natives here, fantastic beings, oblivious to passion, violence, adrenaline and anxiety. They are immeasurably old and worn, timeless, smooth, solid and light to the touch. Everything fascinates these naïve yet wise beings: the large and the small, the delicate and intransient: a weed growing through a crack in a path, a shadow on a wall.
This encounter is a step into their Pebbleverse, revealing dreamed and real landscapes, fragmented tales and a rare perspective of time and object.. Part installation, part performance, part meditation. Images can be found here.